Saturday, April 16, 2011

Better Left Untitled

I have come to realize that there are many things in life that I really enjoy, as hobby's or whatnot.  There actually may be too many things.  I usually get really involved in something and put all of my time and effort into a project or whatever it is at the time for a few weeks to a month and then it's on to the next thing and this cycle continues and never stops.  New interests arrive and some stay and some go, must come around again after one or two other interests consume my mind and time.  I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but its been a part of my life ever since I can remember.  I'm glad I have all of theses interests, however I really wish I could totally focus on something at a given time and not loose the focus to something else.  Maybe this is where my personal wellspring of creativity and inspiration come in.  The simplest things inspire me, like taking a walk outside on a nice day, although I find that most of my creativity stems from the work other people do.  My current project that is keeping me occupied is my Capstone project.  The project was originally just going to be a short film for my own personal pleasure and experience before I started on my Capstone, but it turns out things haven't exactly worked out for it that way; so now I am making this my Capstone project.  I have decided to make the project more of a feature film and include some short films along with it in the final DVD.  My Capstone isn't due until May 2012, and I plan on shooting the film this summer.  I have already done some test shooting over the past year and a half with the actors, and I'm glad I'm now using that as only test footage, because I would not want to use it in the final film.  It's not that the footage was bad, but I am a perfectionist, and if I'm going to be presenting this film for everyone to see as all the work and effort I have put into school, it has to be done to my specifications.  Anyways, this is what I've been working on and will be working on for the next year, and I hope not to lose focus on the project.

First teaser poster for the film.  Yeah, it's pretty lame, I have a lot of work to do.

Along with this film project, I am also starting to create my personal website portfolio and I want to make it impressive (obviously), so hopefully I can split my time between the two projects and not lose anything.

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